We CAN make learning FUN and PLAYFUL!
This downloadable package contains two dice games:
BANG is one of my students' favourite games and it can be adapted to teach any skill. This BANG game is designed to practice reading phonetic short vowel words (real & nonsense). I suggest having the kids write out the words that they create during the game to practice spelling and letter formation. Check out my colour-coded paper to help kids remember where the letters are placed on the lines.
The second game included is a dice game to reinforce the 1-1-1 Doubling Rule spelling rule which is:
- 1 syllable
- 1 short vowel followed by
- 1 consonant - DOUBLE the final consonant IF the suffix starts with a vowel
For example: ship + ing = shipping (it meets the rule requirements so double the
final consonant)
park + ed = parked (it is not a short vowel)
sad + ness = sadness (it is not a vowel suffix)
The package includes a blank die and a sheet of blank game cards so that you can make copies and create your own games based on the skill you're reinforcing.